TINAH is the micocontroller-based board designed and built for the Physics 253 course. The board is based on two key elements:
1.) Wiring, an open-source electronics I/O board and open-source programming environment based on the Atmel ATMega128 chip.
2.) the TINAH board, a printed circuit-board shield designed and built for Phys253 by Engphys students and staff. The shield acts as a “buffer” for protecting the the digital and analog inputs and outputs of the Wiring board, and allowing for built-in functions, including:
- 4 DC motors (max 9V, 1A each with on-board h-bridge driver)
- 3 RC Servo motors
- buffered digital and analog inputs (i.e. protecting the ATMega128 with op-amps and digital buffer ICs)
- 2 switches and 2 knobs for on-board control
- 16×2 backlit LCD screen
- access to the enable/direction pins for external motor control
Wiring programming environment can be downloaded from www.wiring.org.co. It is open source and multi-platform.
Our robot was programmed in pure C.
PID control algorithm
We have also implemented features such as lane changing, collision detection, and etc.